Seborrheic dermatitis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The reason of the appearance of illness they can be a Pityrosporum ovale, i.e. yeast fungi being on the scalp of every man who throughout his life not cause any problems. However, when the skin on head is dry or appears seborrhea, are multiplying at a rapid pace. Substances that are the product of their decomposition irritate the scalp causing for her itching and excessive peeling of the epidermis, i.e. dandruff. Often, the lesions are painful, oozing and covered with scabs, giving way to leave behind skin discoloration.

Seborrhea is excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, is leading to rapid greasy hair and causes the skin becomes shiny and yellow. Reasons for coming into existence of this illness aren't explained fully, it is known that illness afflicts people of different ages, and most often persons with tendencies to seborrhea into the effect of the action of factors: chemical, physical, mechanical or bacterial.

Seborrheic dermatitis affects people with impaired immunity such as patients with diabetes, people with viral hepatitis, people with pancreatitis, HIV-infected patients with Down syndrome. Also affects people with neurological disorders, among others, ill for Parkinson's, epilepsy, and people suffering from spinal cord diseases.

Seborrheic dermatitis also occurs in people who don't care about hygiene, abuse alcohol, bad diets, have a weakened resistance. The greatest severity of the disease occurs in autumn and winter.

Seborrheic inflamed scalp can also cause hair loss, you should then apply antifungal shampoos and creams that are available in pharmacies, and if that does not help we go to a dermatologist and apply the drug treatment. Hair grows back, but you should be vigilant, because the disease likes after some time to resume.

In severe cases, the disease may cause dermatitis, and the lesions may appear not only on the head, but also on the face ( on the forehead, on the eyelids, on the nose, on the ears, on the lips), on the torso (on the chest, on the back, on the neck, around genitals and the anus). Pathological changes in the seborrheic dermatitis they resemble psoriasis, but differs from it in that, the husks are greasy.

Skincare seborrhoeic
The skin with tendencies to seborrhoea requires careful care and treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist. The treatment is long-term and requires applying ointment, creams, vitamins and anti-inflammatory drugs with the addition of antibiotics or medications against fungal. Helpful in controlling the disease and preventing its relapse is taking vitamin A, E, H and zinc, and also preferably work wraps of aluminum acetate or potassium permanganate on the sickness places. One should observe hygiene and apply cosmetics to oily skin which inhibit the excessive secretion of suet.

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