Cracked blood vessels , how to fight them?

Redness complexion requires very delicate handling of her and caring for her healthy appearance. In order to hold her in the good condition it is necessary sacrifices and systematic approach. First of all, you need to take vitamins regularly and use appropriate creams. A change of diet is a first and most important sacrifice. It requires not only the perseverance but also the great discipline.

You should avoid or eliminate from your diet dishes:
  • very sharp,
  • very cold,
  • very hot,
  • very sour,
  • alcohol
  • sweets and in particular the chocolate
  • coffee and strong tea.
All the above-mentioned dishes and drinks irritate blood vessels located in the skin and contribute to the occurrence of cracked blood vessels.

Therefore you should change the diet enrich her in vitamins and minerals, and especially in:
  • routine, which reduces brittleness and fragility of the blood vessels,
  • vitamin K, which eliminates redness and bruising,
  • vitamin PP, that seals blood vessels,
  • extracts from the arnica,the horse chestnut, or the maidenhair tree, which strengthen and seals blood vessels and improve circulation the skin,
  • vitamin C, which seals and strengthens blood vessels,
  • vitamin A, which prevents the formation of cracked blood vessels and causes that they are less visible, through bold exterior layer of the epidermis.
You can also take a daily routine, which seals the blood vessels. Sensitive skin redness requires adequate daily care. Should be used for washing face lotions or gels e.g. , physiogel. After washing the face apply tonic protective-regenerating best of the marigold or the arnica. Used cosmetics should contain substances moisturizing and active compounds which have beneficial effect on blood vessels and cause their regeneration. The source of these active compounds are : calendula, horse chestnut, arnica and Japanese ginkgo. 


In order not to increase the quantity of cracked vessels , skin should be protected from the harmful effects of external factors. Before you leaving the house,you should always apply cream with the filter at least 25 SPF or higher, to protect your skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.
Against free radicals protect our skin regenerating and soothing cosmetics containing extracts of calendula, aloe and algae, they operate a soothing effect on irritated and damaged skin.

Spider veins can be removed with special treatments that are performed in a beauty salon or a dermatologist, they include:
  • Laser therapy ie. closing of blood vessels with laser light, this procedure is used to seal small blood vessels on the face and the body, but its downside is the high price, and treatments need to be repeated.
  • Sclerotherapy is a procedure which involves of injecting preparation in a broken blood vessels causing dying and disappearance of small vessels. Sclerotherapy is used mainly in the removal of blood vessels on the legs.
  • Electrocoagulation is a procedure which consists in the fact that each blood vessel is touching itself with the special the electrode through which current flows to cause closure of the vessel. This treatment is used to close blood vessels on the face, neck and chest, the treatment is less effective than laser therapy, and may remain after him the scars.

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