How to prevent bedsores

Bedsores are arising in persons immobilized on account of illness, which themselves cannot change position of the body. Each part of the body which is not subjected to a long movement but is subjected to constant oppressions may be to succumb for necrotic processes. Especially where the bone directly oppress soft tissue, preventing proper blood circulation. Blood is unable to reach the cells and feeding them up and not picking products of metabolism in consequence of what the cells begin to die. As a result, the skin becomes red and quickly is reaching dying of tissues. Bedsores most often arise near the sacrum, on buttocks, on elbows, on heels, on shoulders and on the back.

On account of the appearance, the depth and the extensiveness of their occurring, bedsores were divided in five grades:

I degree occurs when the skin is slightly reddened

II degree occurs when on reddened skin appear bladders

III degree occurs when ulcers appear and the bottom of the wounds filled is yellow or red mass of decaying tissue

IV degree occurs when appears adipose tissue necrosis

V degree occurs when appears muscle necrosis

Preventing the bedsores .

Preventing the occurrence of bedsores comes down to frequent changes of the position of the body of the sick person best what two hours. You should also massage the most exposed parts of the body in order to improve the condition of the skin.

The places where bedsores occur should be lubricated with salicylic spirit or sprinkle talcum powder. Also putting is important of rollers and discs in order to reduce the pressure on tissues and evenly spread the weight of the body. Also special types of mattresses exist which massaging the body of the sick person.

You should remember to care for the patient's bodily hygiene, must not be allowed to skin contamination faeces or urine. One should apply creams, emulsions moisturizing the skin (sudokrem, lanolin, ointment, pantenol or linomag), it is possible to purchase also special dressings to bedsores which are waterproof and are protecting from bacteria from the outside. In the fight against bedsores is very important a correct diet. The diet should be rich in protein, vitamins A, B, C, zinc and unsaturated fats contained in fish oil and flaxseed.

Treatment of decubitus III, IV, V grade , involves the removal of the necrotic tissue in the surgical treatment or by enzymatic ointments or gels. Bedsores such are black or brown color and dry hard necrotic tissue. Therefore, sometimes despite surgical intervention and applying ointment skin transplants are needed.

Bedsore should heal up within 2-4 weeks, in case of bedsores dating back until to the bone, the treatment can take a few months. Treatment of pressure ulcers is difficult in patients with diabetes, vascular disease, or depression. The family must also provide psychological support the sick person, because his well-being beneficial effect on the treatment effect.

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