In case of problems
with dry skin, is very important the correct caring of her but first
of all is important her correct moistening .
you washing your face, or during the bath you should resign from
contact with hot water and you should avoid dry soaps and the bath
salts. And after a bath, apply to damp skin moisturizing body lotion.
When you buy cosmetics, choose those that have additional substances
of moisturizing and greasing.

frosty and cold weather it is necessary to use 2- 3 times a day,
moisturizing creams, to counteract adverse factors of the environment
and to retain the healthy complexion. All used cosmetics should be
deprived of dyes and odoriferous substances.
order to retain the healthy complexion you should not expose itself
for long action of the ultraviolet radiation i.e. the sun and
solarium. The rooms where we spend a time should be properly
moistened. Having dry skin especially it should be observe
systematicity in her care and caring for her healthy appearance.
sum up, when you having problems with dry skin and you want to
minimize them you must guided by a few principles:
- avoid contact with hot water, but above all especially hot baths,
- bathe in lukewarm water with the addition moisturizing oils for bathing,
- use cosmetics that contain substances greasing and moisturizing,
- apply 2-3 times a day moisturizing creams for the face with protection filter (SPF),
- avoid solarium and reduce tanning,
- take vitamins to help you maintain healthy appearance of the skin i.e. vitamin A, B vitamins, and zinc, which act nourishes and regenerates the skin.
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