Freckles and their occurrence

Freckles have a diameter by 1 mm to a few millimeters, they are skin discolorations coming into existence as a result of disorders of the work of melanocytes, i.e. cells skins which are producing dye melatonin. But it is not the only reason of their arising, discoloration on the skin are arising also as a result of hormonal disorders in the body caused by disease of the thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, liver disease, as well as menstrual disorders, inflammations of ovaries, and hormonal contraceptive pills or pregnancy. Excessive tanning is also causing their arising.

Freckles frequently occur in young people, with a bright skin and red hairs, but not only, because they are also hereditary. They occur throughout life, but the most visible are during childhood. Freckles appear most often on the face, neck, hands, arms and forearms, or in the places most exposed to solar radiation. They occur singly or in large groups.

Preventing freckles and skin discolourations.
First of all, you should apply creams with the filter and avoid excessive exposure to the sun's rays. You can also use various means for discolouring of the skin such as vitamin acid A, fruit acid AHA, glycolic acid or exfoliating ointments and pastes. Applying means for discolouring or exfoliating of the skins are not so good, because they often cause allergies and skin irritation.

A better solution against discoloration and freckles, there are lightening creams with vitamin A acid or creams with lactic acid which exfoliate the cuticle with the stains. In pharmacies can also buy preparations containing hydroquinone, which reduces the activity of melanocytes and prevents new spots and also acts stains on already existing. Systematic applying such preparations is causing satisfying effects.

Skin discoloration you can also remove in the beauty salon, where beautician will remove the cuticle with glycolic acid, but you need a few such treatments to produce its desired effect. You can also get rid of discolourations using the microdermabrasion i.e. mechanical abrasion of the cuticle.

There are also homemade ways to fight with freckles and discoloration of the skin:
  • wash your face daily juice from the raw leaves parsley, which works on bleaching and lightening freckles on the skin,
  • daily wrap of buttermilk,
  • effect of brightening and smoothing skin give regularly used masks with blend strawberry or wild strawberries.
The best way to freckles is their liking, because they are a unique and they are a symbol of the youth.

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